Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Three Branches of Government.

The Three Branches of Government:

 There are many parts to our government today.
We have 3 parts actually, they are the Legislative, Executive, and the Judicial.


Legislative Branch -
is the law making part of the government. There are some restrictions to being elected for this part of government. For the Senate you must be 30 years old, be a citizen for nine (9) years, and is considered the " Upper House." You can only serve six (6) year terms. For the House, you must be 25 years old, be an American citizen for seven (7) years, and you can only serve two (2) year terms. It is often considered the " Lower House. " This branch of government has 100 senators, two for each state, and 435 Representatives total.

Representative of Delaware - John Carney - John Carney Website  
The Executive Branch is the part of the government that "executes" (carries out) the laws. There is actually more to this branch than I thought. It contains over more than 400 people and the most important are President Barack Obama and Vice President Joe Biden. The branch also houses the cabinet. The cabinet is made up of 15 heads of departments. This is where the many people come from because it contains 15 very important departments including the Food Drug Administration. To be elected into this branch you have to have good background history including a natural born American citizen.

The Judicial Branch is the part of the
government, consisting of the Supreme Court and lower federal courts, that interprets the laws. There are actually nine (9) people in the judicial branch at the moment. The lowest that the Judicial Branch has ever had is six (6) members. The current people are:
  1. Chief Justice John G. Roberts Jr.
  2. Associate Justice Antonin Gregorian Scalia
  3. Associate Justice Sonia Sotomayor
  4. Associate Justice Clarence Thomas
  5. Associate Justice Samuel Anthony Alito
  6. Associate Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg
  7. Associate Justice Stephen Breyer
  8. Associate Justice Elena Kagan
  9. Associate Justice Anthony Kennedy
What the Judicial Branch does is judge. They are given more than 1,000 cases to look at and determine the outcome each year but they only take about 100. The thing is that it's not just normal court cases, these are civil cases that are very important to the future of the United States. That's basically how it functions, the court made up of nine justices take in civil cases and do their best to solve them. How the justices are elected is by Obama recommending them. From there they are either rejected or accepted. Delaware Justices

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Thursday, December 12, 2013


Karime Balderas- Ortega
December 9th, 2013
Chapter 8 Essay - Speech -

There are many problems with the nation we have today men! There are slaves, counted as property by some! There are states scared to take the first step towards a decent democracy, afraid that the bigger states will have more power! We have the Tax issue that started from King George III! We need to do something people! Something that changes the way of  leadership without starting another war, and for all of it to be kept a secret.

Today, May 25th, 1787, I stand before you all, together we will try to create a new nation, one based on not money, but equality. We will try to help slaves be counted as a person and not as property! We will succeed, even if it take a few fails, we have Benjamin Franklin, one of the wisest. Not all of us agree with one another but we’ll hear every word you say, every point you have! We will find a way to represent the states equally, and not have one with all the power.

We shall focus on the fact that states don’t have representation! States such as North Carolina and Rhode Island are afraid of being part of creating a new nation! They became hesitant when it came to signing the constitution. They didn’t want change afraid that the change would actually have a worse result. We shall find a way to get every agreement as we possibly can men! We are created equal!

Men, we came together to create a better future for those generations ahead of us. We  want a better place for our children to be raised, for us to grow old, and to have freedom. We discuss everything that needs discussing but we will do it in secret, nothing must be leaked to the press or to the non-delegates.  Please men, in your hands lie the future of thousands of people.